Research Center

Water Recycling in Commercial Laundry

Kemco white paper cover

Despite water feeling more accessible now than ever, water scarcity continues to impact communities and individuals across the world. Our world is on the precipice of a global water crisis. As a long-time progress and innovation leader in the laundry industry, Kemco is prepared to serve the industry during a new era of efficiency. Read Kemco’s latest white paper to learn how our water recycling system removes contaminants, including PFAS and understand the system’s ROI.

Laundry Design & Construction: Creating the Ideal Workflow

research paper: laundry design and construction

A laundry operation, whether it be an on-premise laundry (OPL) or a textile rental plant, lives or dies depending on its ability to efficiently channel goods into, through and out of its facility. "Bottleneck" is not a word a manager wants to hear. This paper takes a close look at the importance of a well-planned laundry design.

Laundry Chemicals & Dispensing: Finding the Right Chemistry

research paper: laundry chemicals and dispensing

Textile care is one big puzzle, and it’s up to each laundry manager to see that all the pieces are assembled in just the right combination to achieve success. One has to find just the right chemistry. This paper takes a close look at washroom chemistry, formula selection, stain removal, chemical system planning, and more.

Cheap Ways to Corral Laundry Costs: Cost Control for Textile Services

research paper: cheap ways to corral laundry costs

Money is tight all over, even in the laundry. On-premise laundry managers rarely enjoy much spending freedom, while commercial operators traditionally work hard to keep costs low and turn a profit. Today's struggling economy is squeezing operating budgets ever tighter, prompting anxious managers to look for savings anywhere they can find it.

Podcasts for You

Five Decades of Laundry Services

richard warren

Richard Warren retired earlier this year after 53-plus years in the industry. In this podcast, he shares some observations and insights from his career.

In-house vs. Outsourcing Laundry

sam spence

Learn about the challenges and benefits of both processing on site and outsourcing laundry with guest Sam Spence, a senior consultant with TBR Associates, which specializes in consulting services to improve processes, people and company-wide performance.

Key Performance Indicators

Bill Brooks

Bill Brooks, director of customer solutions and business development for commercial laundry equipment manufacturer Alliance Laundry Systems, talks about important KPIs in a laundry/linen service for efficiency and quality.