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ALM ‘Plan for Excellence’ Leads to Louisville

LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The Association for Linen Management returns here on June 24-27 for its 72nd Annual Conference.

The “Plan for Excellence” event at The Seelbach Hilton is built on an extensive array of educational sessions, as well as association activities and networking/social events.

An optional pre-conference program on June 24 will feature sessions on Implementing AORN’s Recommended Practice for Surgical Attireand Success by the Numbers...Production Standards & Metrics.

Keynote speaker Paul Fayad, CEO of HHA Services, will kick off the conference June 25 as he identifies the essentials to being Equipped for Success.

The morning of June 26 brings a new feature as participants “eavesdrop” on a panel discussion about the industry’s changing structure, its place in the investment world, and how these changes may impact business structure and design. Panelists include Swisher Hygiene’s Doug Story,’s David Chadsey and ARCO Murray’s Ed Kwasnick.

Breakout sessions throughout the conference include:

  • Efficiencies in the Wash Process, Steven Tinker, Gurtler Industries — The program will address rewash and reclaim numbers that can be costly and finding solutions to problem soils without tipping the balance sheet.
  • An Exchange Cart Program that Works, Barbara Williams, Standard Textile — Whether you’ve been building exchange carts for years or are just starting a program, this session will provide solutions to problems and opportunities to maximize successes.
  • Is It Time for a Tunnel?, Chadsey — Tunnel/continuous batch washers provide savings in chemicals, water and labor. But how do you make an accurate assessment of the situation vs. a “guess”?
  • Linen’s Role in Improving Patient Outcomes, Carol Stamas, CLLM, and Janice Larson, CLLM, Encompass — Understanding the inherent nature of the products, how they impact healing, and their appropriate use can make the difference in patient and fiscal outcomes.
  • Satisfaction Surveys That Work, Jerry Palmer, Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) — This program will focus on designing a survey tool to identify what the patient/customer deems important and using that information to improve services and retain customers.
  • Quality Assurance: Textiles in Patient Care Areas, Nancy Bjerke, MSN — A quality healthcare laundry provides hygienically clean textiles to the hospital customer. But what steps are taken to maintain the hygienic integrity of those products once they arrive at the facility? Identify areas of issue or concern, and the approach to managing those situations.
  • Customer Satisfaction Rule 1: Communication, Jennifer Fairchild, EKU — This session will provide attendees with keys to listening, accurately understanding what their customer wants vs. needs, and assessing performance.
  • Isolation Gowns for Lean & Green Operations, Peter Menaker, CLLM, American Dawn — Reusable gowns definitely provide a green approach but how can facilities manage the costs (inventory and processing) while assuring clinicians safe and quality products?
  • Prep for the Consultant, Jeff Cohen, MedAssets — The C-Suite (CEO, CFO and COO) has just announced that it has hired a consulting firm to assess operations and identify areas where improvements can be made. What will they expect from you? And what can you expect when all is said and done?
  • Infection Control: Bed Change Considerations, Marcia Pierce, EKU — Can you “marry” good utilization and the related cost savings with the concerns over infection prevention?
  • Out for Bid, Menaker — This will be a discussion of the critical elements of the product bidding process and the problems that you can encounter.
  • Real Performance Improvement in Linen Utilization, Sarah James, RLLD, IPA — This session will go beyond concepts to walk you through an actual situation where linen utilization provided significant outcomes in a healthcare facility.

ALM will also name the year’s top laundry manager and allied tradesperson during the conference.

To learn more about the conference, visit the association's website.

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Have a question or comment? E-mail our editor Matt Poe at [email protected].